Jorge Hernandez

Software Engineer

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My role at Adconion Media Group.

Senior Software Engineer

I worked at Adconion Media Group from May 2011 to March 2012. Some of my main contributions while working at the company included:

  • Designed and developed APIs for flash-based ad templates.
  • Responsible for creating custom Flash drag-and-drop components.
  • Developed ad templates to make it easier for Flash designers to create Flash rich media banners that included audio, video and interactivity. Some of these templates included push-down units, page-take-over ads, etc.
  • Created a suite of video (and video controls) components that made it possible to add video to Flash creatives effortlessly. The video component supported http progressive playback, rtmp streaming and dynamic bitrate streaming
  • Worked on updating existing Content Management System (CMS) to deliver ads. The CMS system was written with the Zend Framework (PHP) with MySQL as the RDBMS.
  • Created an ad preview system called Area51 with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP and Flash. This system was designed to make it possible for in-house product managers to show how ads delivered through the company's network would look like before they went live on the client's websites.
  • Created any other type of component requested by our team.